Kawaiahao Church

Kawaiahao Church

  • 21 portrait of Hawaiian dynasty
  • Historical santuary
  • Royal pews and fresh water pool.
Designated as a US National Historic Landmark in 1962, Kawaiahao Church was considered at certain points as the national  church of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the chapel of the royal family. The name of the church, Ka wai a hoa means "the waters of Hao" since its location is that of a spring of fresh water pool which was in the care of a high chiefess Ha'o.

The church upper gallery is adorned with 21 portraits of Hawaiian royalty and King Lunalilo's grave is found in the courtyard of the church. The sanctuary of the church, known as Kauikeaouli dock, in memory of King Kamehameha III, is of great historical significance. Inside the sanctuary to the right and left at the entrance is the royal pews within which can be seen four symbols of royal ranks. Kings and queens of the Hawaiian dynasty sat in those pews.

The church ground is full of endemic plants of Hawaii. They include the ti, which are often planted around dwellings and thought to ward off evil, the koki'o ula'ula considered as a laxative and used for cordage and sennit, and the Ohi' a Lehua which has hair like filaments.

The church was dedicated after a ceremony on the 21st of July 1842. Construction took five years to complete with funds that had been mostly contributed by the community. The church is testimony of a long history. Hawaiian royalty prayed within its walls, they sang hymns, married, and christened their children. Many original missionaries are buried on the grounds surrounding the church and it was also the place where many went to pray during 9/11.

555 South King Street, Downtown, Honolulu, Honolulu County, Hawaii, United States 96813
2 reviews, 0 comments
(4.5 of 5)
explore the history of the church as there are usually free guided tour
explore the history of the church as there are usually free guided tour. lots of japanese wedding there as well. you should also try to attend a sunday service just to hear the choir sing in hawaiian.
The church held an Arts & Crafts fair recently with live music and people from all
The church held an Arts & Crafts fair recently with live music and people from all over the island trading wares. The community appreciates everything Kawaiaha'o Church does for it.