The "House of Lono" was constructed
around 14 centuries ago in the honor of God Lono. The God Lono was one
of the four major Gods that ancient Hawaiian used to worship. He was the God of
sports, agriculture, harvest and weather. Hale o Lono Heiau is actually
the largest and oldest historical site excavated in Hawaii so far. It is
located in the beautiful Waimea Valley on the spectacular
Oahu's North Shore.
Originally, no humans were sacrificed on heiau as it was not designed or meant for
this purpose. However, with the passage of time especially at the beginning of Makahiki, both animals and human sacrifices had become very
common the basic purpose of which was to ensure good fishing and harvest.
Any person visiting to these sites should treat them with veneer and utmost
respect as they are still very sacred to indigenous Hawaiian people. You are
especially advised not to remove or displace anything. Furthermore, never ever
climb the walls and walk over them.