List your company

Free to list
Click on "My Listings" and choose the kind of company you are. You can also add places or scuba dive sites to enrich your package pages. Fill out your activity company info.

Start listing your packages!

Set your cancellation policy. Set your prices. Upload large beautiful pictures.

Your customers will love the details.
Receive booking requests
All customers' requests are sent into your inbox. Accept, Cancel, Change their request or send a message.

We handle all payments ensuring you get paid, and on time.
Choose your payout settings
How do you want to get paid?

If you  want us to collect your payment from the customer (full payment model), click on payout settings to enter your bank information for direct deposits. Your information is secure and deposits occur 3 business days or less after the activity is completed.

If you prefer to collect payment directly from your customer either by cash or credit click on the "deposit model".
Earn reviews & exposure
Benefit from our free professional advertising. We navigate the complex world of online advertising for you.

Build your reputation by receiving reviews from your clients. Reply to reviews and build trust.
Want more info?
Have questions?

Send us a message and will help you with the following:

  • Personal help adding your packages.
  • To inquire about adding a custom section or table to your page.
  • To join our affiliate program and make commissions selling our other packages on your website (coming soon).
  • To do a link exchange.
  • To write a guest blog.
  • Information about using our platform and its extensive features to convert your website.

Or just call me: 808-291-7954 

Yeah that's right, 808, I'm in Hawaii. Let's partner up. If I don't pick up the phone I'm probably surfing :)
- Angel P. Owner
Travel Desk License #: AD-974
Client Trust Account w/ Central Pacific Bank